Sunday, January 27, 2008

One Answer - and Another Mystery

As some of you guessed, Darryl Grennell is the candidate for Mayor I discussed in my prior article. He will announce some time this week. In the comments on that article, some of you thought he wouldn't run or couldn't win. Well, you're wrong. He will definitely win, and he is practically the perfect candidate. Hang in there, Natchez! There's hope for a sane City government.

Now for another political mystery. I hear that Bob Pollard might have a serious challenger. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Great news for Jake!

Anonymous said...

I think Gwen Ball would be an excellent candidate to oppose Pollard--she is smart, involved in the community, and wouldn't be beholden to the Good Ol' Boy network in Natchez. Every one of these aldermen needs to be turned out of office. With a new Board of Aldermen, and Darrell Grennell as mayor, I think the future of Natchez could be brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Omigod! Grennell as Mayor!!?? Okay, have I been somewhere other than Natchez for the past number of years and seen things differently?

Talk about being part of "the machine". As past- president of the Bored of Stupidvisors, what did he do? Tell me! What have any of our bleeders,..errr.. leaders done for this community? They are always in it for themselves and to maintain a power base.

What has the Inter- Modal, aka Visitors Welcome Center, Taunton Ground, South's Largest Restroom, done for the city except help put us in debt. The damn place leaks like a sieve, the electrical outlets on the outside don't work, it is mold- haven, etc. etc. etc. And how 'bout our Contention Center, and the duffs who have run it. And who are the ones that let a hotel build a monstrosity on Canal street that blocks out the sun! Our leaders.
They do not care about what we want, and that is the bottom line.
Grennell is a machine part- a cog if you will. It just means we'll be hiring more inept blacks into leadership postions( please refer to the City Planners- what a JOKE).

I see no future for this city as long as the same- old- same- old run things.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:07 you're greivances are City related and not at all related to County government where Mr. Grennell has served. He has nothing to do with either the Conv. Ctr. or that new hotel. And, I too miss the sun and view of the sky above the river.

My guess is that Mr. Grennell is NOT a part of any "machine".

Mr. Grennell's candidacy brings hope and optimism at a time when we need it most.

Anonymous said...

I must have missed one of your previous articles that told us why you think Gunnell would be perfect for Mayor. Can you be more specific about his perfections?

While your doing that please tell us of his accomplishments as supervisor? Please, again, be specific! (Personal opinions are without merit or substance) when void of facts.

I would certainly support Gwen Ball for Alderwoman but my humble opinion is that she is much more capable than that. I say "GWEN BALL FOR MAYOR".

Anonymous said...


If Darrell runs he will split the black vote, so it will divide between him and West. Middleton will be the likely leading White candidate, Darrell will probably get some of the black vote and some white, but I doubt he would get enough to unseat West. The Dem. primary would be a 3 way race, Middleton (or the number 1 white) would lead then 2nd and 3rd would be West and Grennell. The runoff would probably be won by either West or Grennell. If it was between Middleton and Grennell I think Grennell wins. Don't underestimate West, he has been in office for years and will draw large support.

As the first poster noted this could be good for Jake. I still think that a black candidate still has the edge. I am sure in the last 4 years the white population has declined more and the black population has increased.

I like Darrell (and West) but I think Darrell will probably work harder than West has! I think I would prefer either to Middleton.

Darrell can run and not have to give up his supervisor job. He is in a no lose situation. He will draw good funding from the community and will be well placed to run again in 4 years.

I predict a West win, if he runs. If Darrell announces early West may bow out (A back room deal made have already been made!)

Anonymous said...

I hope so....

Anonymous said...

It will be nice to have a mayor who actually resides in Natchez. Maybe both Phillip and Jake can run for mayor of Jackson

Unknown said...

I'm betting Darrell will run as an Independent, thus avoiding having to face Middleton and West in the primary. I think he's going to draw off a lot of Middleton's support, much of which is lukewarm at best.

Anonymous said...

Dream on. Grennell will not run. He cannot win and he knows it.

Anonymous said...

West does not live in Jackson. He is in Natchez.

Anonymous said...

Tar Heel - Interesting If Darrell runs head to head with West as an independent it could work if their were no white Independents. It's risky as he would have to wait to the closing bell (Like Sue Stedman did) to qualify to check on who else was running. Still I think he will only run if West retires - unless he just wants to test the water to prepare for a win in 4 years.
I doubt he would do that either as we have no one running who ran 4 years ago.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to get excited about Jake running for Mayor or to understand why anyone else would (get excited). He is silent and non-contributive at the Board meetings that I've attended over the past couple of years. I'm sorry folks and I'm sorry Jake but you have done nothing worthy of a promotion to Mayor.

We would be naive to think that giving Jake the job would somehow help him to blossom into a top flight mayor, even one such as the caliber of our neighboring city across the bridge.

Personally, I like Jake and I think he's a fine person and a good citizen. However, promoting him to our top adminstrative job in the city is ludicrous. There is no indication that he can move our city forward. We face critical times ahead for our city. We have many, many serious problems in our community and we need to look around us for a knowledgable and successful business person with vision, passion for the city and it's people that will lead us through these difficult times.

There are many such fine people in Natchez who fit this mold and we need to be on their doorstep urging them to make the sacrifice of their personal success to help save our city by running for this most important position. There are many among us who have a deep passion for our city and would be willing to help. Some of you are presently reading blog. Please step forward!

People of all races want to see good things happen to Natchez because it gives us all a chance to enjoy happiness, prosperity, safety, good community relations,
jobs , recreational activity and educational opportunities. We can make this happen if we will only put forth a little thought and action.

By the way Jake, there is not a "way around" the problems surronding the Pecan Factory site and the big give away of our most precious resource---the bluffs of Natchez. ---and we do not need our beautiful landscape dotted with CASINOS.

Anonymous said...

i hear that Bill Rush Mosby is running against Pollard and maybe one of the downtown ladies whose husband is an attorney. Pollard needs to go.

Anonymous said...




72K/YR for more ONS? NO


Anonymous said...

Well I heard that originally Mr. Grennell accepted the offer but then turned it down later. Maybe West will do the City a favor and NOT run.

Then maybe Grennell would change his mind.

Or maybe Casey can talk Charles Woods into running.

Anonymous said...

I just heard tonight that someone was going to run for mayor and they are supposed to pick up their papers for qualifying on tomorrow. That will make three on the democratic ticket.

Also, I heard that someone is seriously thinking about running against the Alderlady for Ward 1, another lady.

Anonymous said...

Is that person David Preziosi? I heard that Butch Brown was trying to get him to come back to Natchez and run.

Anonymous said...

The more white Democrats, the better for Philip.

Anonymous said...

I don,t understand what anonymous means by "the more white Democrats, the better for Philip." Would someone explain that to me?

P.S. By the way,philip should be spelled with a small "p"

Anonymous said...

Sorry Casey - no Darrell for Mayor -

I could not see that happening.

David Pres - for Mayor - now that is funny --- I might see him tomorrow - I will have to ask him ---- I am sure he will not take Ron Millers job - I am sure he already turned it down. He also just bought a house in Jackson. I can't see him coming back to Natchez.

Anonymous said...

You can thank blackmailer Alton Hall for Darrel not running.

Anonymous said...

Alton Hall. When we cross the bridge into Mississippi, Natchez presents itself so beautifully; that is, until one comes to the stop light to turn left toward downtown. And there in your face, is the blighted mess Alton Hall calls his veterinary clinic. The place, inside and out, is as filthy as his politics!!!

Anonymous said...

Alton Hall needs to be taken to the city square and put in shackles. He is a disease and sickness. He tries to destroy people for his own peronal gain.

Anonymous said...

So how much longer will we allow the likes of Alton Hall and his bosses to control the politics in this town? Alton Hall is only the gopher for the big guys. We know now that West is supported and promoted by that political machine. There are other names involved in this game, who stay quietly behind the scenes while people like Hall carry the money for them to the churches, make the threats. He's paid off, I'm sure just like the Mayor, at least one alderman. They need to be hauled in, exposed, every last one of them.

Anonymous said...

Alton Hall is a great Vet. I don't think he had anything to do with Darrell not running. West has already qualified and is already campaigning. Darrell would lose he ran as a Democrat or as an Independent. He knows he has an excellent shot as mayor when West retires or gets so unpopular that he is vulnerable. If Middleton is the great white hope I think he will lose. Deadline to qualify is around March 6th. Alton may have a dog in the race, I would be surprised if his political backers did not try. I still can't think of anyone who could beat Phillip at the moment.

I don't think Watts is one of Alton's candidates either. Hank Smith, Ronny Brown and Mike Thompson were.

Anonymous said...

Go Charles Woods!!!

Anonymous said...

casey you never pick a winner darryl cannot take the heat from a mayors race that is why he did not run for mayor wake up girl

Anonymous said...

casey is your friend dr hall supporting middleton for mayor he has sign in the front of his building on canal street can this be happening you and alton together on a election