Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Rinaldi Strikes Again!

On the front page of the Miss Lou Magazine, you'll see an article entitled Aldermen's Raise Illegal? - Commentary by Peter Rinaldi. (You will recognize the information right away, since it came from this blog.) At the end of the article it says: Thanks to Casey Ann Hughes of Natchez for her research on this controversy. See her commentary at

This is a perfect example of why I'm not a big Rinaldi fan. He's smart, and he knows alot, but there's always something missing or not quite right about what he writes. If you were reading the article and you didn't know any better, you might think I was a researcher for Rinaldi - or at the very least that I had provided the information to him for his use. However, he not only didn't ask me if it was alright to use my information, he didn't even have the courtesy to let me know. Such a class act!

Let me tell you how I found out - it's a good story. A charming gentlemen that I did not know called me on Tuesday evening. He wanted to tell me about some other issues I should research. He obviously thought I was some kind of investigative reporter. During the course of the conversation, he said he was 90 years old. I was very impressed that someone of his age should be reading a blog, and I asked him who told him about it. He was totally confused. Finally, he said, "I didn't get this off any computer - I read it in my paper." Now I'm confused, so I asked which one. He said the one they throw in his driveway for free - written by the guy who attacks everybody. He thought I worked for it. I quickly assured him I did not!

It took me a while to find a copy of the paper, since apparently it's not delivered everywhere at the same time. A friend kindly brought me a copy.

Oh, by the way, I intend to send Rinaldi a copy of this. (My momma taught me some manners.)


Unknown said...

Things posted in blogs are public domain, unless copyrighted. However, when blogs are quoted in the media, they should be referenced in the article. The way he did it, you can't tell what's from me and what's from him. Also, especially in a small town, he should have had the courtesy of contacting me. My email is right there on the blog.

Unknown said...

Thanks for your support!

Unknown said...

I would first like to say thank you for making the charter language public. However if you don't want to be quoted, speaking out in the world of politics is probably the wrong hobby for you. Just ask Rinaldi. I have read both articles several times. I see absolutely no spin. English is everyone’s first language right? Okay, I admit that was a cheap shot. However, it seems like any reasonable person would concur that Rinaldi’s article is giving you credit for bringing the language of the charter to his attention. Why attack someone that is giving you credit for doing a good job? It seems your “momma” didn’t teach you any manners.

rrb1 said...

I agree that Rinaldi's article could have been misconstrued that you worked with him or helped on the article.
Rinaldi though highlighted your story and rightly credited you. He even published your blog address to allow people to see the whole story and your other posts.
Your blog mentions that you had sent the story to the Natchez Democrat - with the aim that they would also report the story - I know you also contacted MissLou Magazine with the same intention. - Attacking Rinaldi for reporting the story is unfair, you may not like what he writes - but he does not dodge reporting when elected officials misbehave. Be thankful that Butch Brown's efforts to silence his paper failed.

rrb1 said...

I agree that Rinaldi's article could have been misconstrued that you worked with him or helped on the article.
Rinaldi though highlighted your story and rightly credited you. He even published your blog address to allow people to see the whole story and your other posts.
Your blog mentions that you had sent the story to the Natchez Democrat - with the aim that they would also report the story - I know you also contacted MissLou Magazine with the same intention. - Attacking Rinaldi for reporting the story is unfair, you may not like what he writes - but he does not dodge reporting when elected officials misbehave. Be thankful that Butch Brown's efforts to silence his paper failed.

Anonymous said...

Comment to Buddo.

I doubt that Peter Rinaldi Watts has put anyone on the map.

His (not so factual) reporting was pointed out by Walter Brown recently. wonder how he liked eating crow?

Most of his attacks go ignored by his "targets" to avoid giving him any credibility or the Natchez Enquirer that he runs.

I cannot believe anyone advertises with that biased, half factual, nut, who supports political candidates advertising with him and attacks the others.

Remember his "endorsement" 4 years ago of Jerry Lyles? (Yeah, the voter fraud guy).

Anonymous said...

I heard Rinaldi invented sliced bread. Is that true?